Why a Transactional Mindset Leads to Real Estate Regret (and How to Avoid It)

Real estate can be emotionally charged and stressful, but it really shouldn’t be.

Buying or selling a house is often described by the industry as an overwhelming process, while promoting instant gratification as the solution. It’s tempting to think this approach is harmless, but here’s how it can go awry..

When you focus on price and quick results, it can easily overshadow the aspects of the process that truly matter in the long run. Viewing real estate through this lens can promote less research, rushed decisions or relinquishing control.

Prioritizing speed, price or someone else’s opinions - increases the potential of risky MOVES.

While real estate professionals can provide valuable guidance, it’s important to remember that it’s You who will be the one living in the home, and its long-term financial and lifestyle impact will be yours. That’s why it’s essential to take control of your MOVE plan from the start and stay actively involved in the process.


Real Estate Regret is an all too Common Occurrence for Ontario Homeowners


Surprisingly, more than one-third of Canadians report experiencing homebuyer regret, and for first-time buyers, that number jumps to over 51%. This is not a rare phenomenon—it's a common occurrence. 

Home ownership is a decision that will impact your life for years to come, and it should be attended to with the appropriate consideration. To begin with, real estate isn’t just about buying or selling a house; it’s about finding a place that fits your lifestyle, supports your future and aligns with your long-term goals.

So, what can you do to prevent regretful real estate moves?


Be mindful and take heed of what others have shared about their experiences and what they
would do differently next time.


How to Avoid The 3 Most Common Reasons Cited for Real Estate Regret

What is Real Estate “Regret” and How Does it Happen?

Much of real estate regret felt by people is the result of a widely accepted narrative that promotes quick transactions over long-term strategies.

Instead of focusing on what will provide lasting value and align with your life goals, the emphasis is placed on superficial immediacy—PRICE.

Let’s break down these common pitfalls and show you how to avoid them.

Why Regret Happens

  1. Pressurized Environment creating FOMO (fear of missing out)

  2. Transaction Tunnel Vision - Price Tag Over Comprehensive PLAN

  3. Decision Deferral - You need YOU to reach the Destination


1. Pressured Environment (FOMO)

The real estate market is flooded with urgency: "This deal won't last," "Don't miss out," and "Act now or it's gone!" These pressure tactics play on your fear of missing out (FOMO), often pushing you to make hasty decisions before you've had the chance to fully weigh your options and evaluate the impact.

**How to avoid it**
Don’t fall for the pressure. Take a step back and evaluate whether this is really the best decision for your future. A home is not a quick purchase—it’s a long-term commitment. The right property will still be there when you’re ready to make a confident decision that hits every success marker you’ve outlined.

2. Transaction Tunnel Vision (Price Over Plan)

Focusing solely on price can prevent you from seeing the bigger picture. The time and effort spent chasing small savings can disrupt your timeline and affect other key elements that shape the comprehensive agreement that provides the real value.

How to avoid it**
Real estate isn’t just about negotiating a price; it’s about aligning the appropriate move elements to create an agreement specifically intended to provide you with lasting improvements—both now and in the future. Remember, price is the piece of your real estate puzzle for which you have the least amount of control. It’s the supporting elements (how you use each of them) that will comprise the value you seek.

3. Deferring Decisions (Letting Others Lead)

It can be tempting to entrust the entire real estate process to an agent, especially when it’s framed as too complicated. However, letting someone else dictate your priorities—based on their own agenda—often leads to decisions that don’t align with your personal goals or long-term vision.

How to avoid it**
While a professional advisor is valuable, no one knows the life ambitions, priorities and goals you have set for yourself. Deferring to someone else means you risk losing sight of what holds the ROL (return on life) value a MOVE is meant to create.


Closing time lines and selling price are just mechanics within the real estate procedure. But, when these are used as the only benchmarks for success - you miss the opportunity to make a MOVE that fits every part of your life and ambitions…

When you know:

what to
what to
prioritize, and
how to
approach the process,

you will find yourself in a position of strength and confidence.

Savvy real estate moves are built on three key pillars: personal preparation, comprehensive planning, and a focus on the future. By making informed decisions today, you can strategically position yourself for the life you want to live tomorrow.

This begins with


VALUE: The Power of Context, Purpose, and Future Planning


Real estate is often reduced to a simple transaction: buy a house, pay the price, and move on as quickly as possible. This is the recipe for a transactional mindset - and it’s the reason so many people have experienced painful regret.

A house can be an investment, leverage, a means to an end, or a stepping stone for the next stage(s) of life you are working toward; but it is most certainly not just another purchase.


Warren Buffett said:

The price is what you
pay, the value is what you get.


This simple 12-word quote contains the insight to prevent real estate regret.

Without clearly defining what 'value' means to you, a MOVE can quickly become just another transaction. Defining your value metrics allows you to assess the bigger picture and how it will align with the life you’re moving toward.

What does
VALUE Mean to YOU?

Home ownership success is achieved when a blend of personal goals, priorities and financial metrics come together to create a clear framework that supports your life, both now and in the future.

It's about making sure that every aspect of the move supports the life you're building—from career changes and family growth, to retirement plans, lifestyle flexibility, and investment potential.

Every decision you make should align with what YOU define as Valuable - not just the $$$ assigned to it.

Here’s how to steer your MOVE away from the 3 most common reasons for real estate regret..


Set a Realistic Budget
Overextending financial capacity is the top reason cited for home buyer regret. Many people fall into the trap of using the maximum mortgage without fully accounting for all the additional costs—maintenance, taxes, utilities, and lifestyle changes.

Always try to envision the complete plan when evaluating decisions. Think about how your mortgage will fit into your broader financial picture, and leave room for flexibility.

While you should leverage your advisor's professional insight, it's your responsibility to maintain a clear focus on the plan and the milestones required for success. This is a team effort, you are the driving force and your real estate advisor is the navigator.

Stay in control by ensuring your personal goals guide every decision. When your success markers are clearly defined, staying on course becomes effortless.

Savvy Patience
The real estate market is fast-paced, but that doesn’t mean you should rush your decisions. Don’t let the pressure of time-sensitive opportunities push you into quick choices that could lead to costly mistakes. Remember, no house—whether it's the house or just a potential option—should ever feel like a ‘make or break’ situation.

Every decision should be made with careful thought, always in line with your plan and long-term goals. Don’t let FOMO drive your decisions. Real estate is a process, and each step builds on the last.


When real estate moves are reduced to a simple transaction: buy a house, pay the price, and move on as quickly as possible - a transactional mindset and regret - isn’t far behind.

A house should never be viewed as just another


The Takeaway

Except for the few situations that present uncontrollable circumstance, real estate regret is completely avoidable. These are the reasons people who were in your position said they would change if they could do it again… Who better to advise you?

Just remember to do the following and you’ll be just fine:

1. Take YOUR Time
Apply the whole picture to every question, consideration or strategy.. and don’t RUSH! FOMO is bull$#!:). Each real estate decision compounds: the good will improve your position, while the bad will build like a snowball careening down a hill.. just kidding - but ya, kinda like that.

2. Don’t Over Leverage
The lender may approve you for X - but consider what it will mean to your lifestyle and future self if you’re right up against your limit. Many people reference their miscalculation of home ownership expenses and closing costs as a mistake they will not make again.

3. Bring YOU to the Table
Real estate Advisors are meant to provide professional consultation and industry knowledge, but it’s YOU who should run the show and set the plan. Deferring decision-making to anyone about your future is ill-advised. Your Realtor is the sounding board, strategist and representative who executes the plan you create.

***Tip: If you don’t feel comfortable - step back and reassess. Never make a decision under pressure, unprepared or without the necessary data.***


With the right mindset, patience, and planning, you can avoid the regret that so many face after their real estate decisions.

This is your Movetake control and make it work for YOU!

Not sure what kind of assistance you need? That’s okay, real estate is a learning experience.

We believe in service over sales and transparency over ambiguity. If you’re ready to take a step towards a more empowered real estate experience, connect with us!

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