Our Commitment Remains the same
3 Generations later

Our goal is to help you find a real estate experience that checks every box, meets every expectation, and in a working style that is uniquely YOURS.

FIT makes confident MOVES.

Communication is Essential

You will always be able to get us:

Questions? Concerns? Time Sensitive Decisions? Your Advisor will always be here for you. Well, we do sleep sometimes to recharge the battery, but outside of that, we’ll be here!

Questions ARE the Road-map

Your Views & Opinions Matter

We don’t do the “guru thing” where you’re placated and dragged along for the ride.

Your opinions and questions are REAL concerns; they will
NEVER be trivialized, condescended to or dismissed.

Consultants Don’t Do Sweet-talk

We Don’t Pacify or take the EASY Route

We are cordial - you bet! But we will NEVER opt for sweet-talk over facts and straightforward discussion. We ADVISE with honesty and purpose. We won’t shy away from difficult conversations, that’s a recipe for remorse. Honest Guidance is the path to success.

Advisors Shoulder the Expectations

You set the Goals - Let us handle the Pressure

We are completely aware that moving decisions can weigh on your mind, we have all been in the same seat. It’s our job to take on the weight of YOUR expectations so you can carefully evaluate your moves while we keep you aimed at the objective.



We don’t do the List thing, the Soliciting thing, or collecting and sharing Your Info thing.

We Only Contact to Answer YOUR